Nos vies valent plus que leurs profits

Motion. Convening of a National Committee Conference (CNC)

C. (CPN-Auch), F. (CPN-Auch), L. (Jeunes 92), M. (CPN-Montreuil)

Vote (CPN) : 6 in favor, 40 against, 0 abstention, 0 NPPV

It’s essential that all the committees of the NPA-Révolutionnaires can meet nationally, exchange experiences and practices, discuss their successes and difficulties, …

There’s nothing to fear from horizontal discussions – quite the contrary.

The convening of a CNC1 is indispensable on a political and democratic level, not to mention its annual statutory character.

In parallel with this CNC, for the same reasons, and in order to complete our internal militant tools for exchange and communication, the CPN decides to set up, without delay, a mailing discussion list of the “committee exchanges” type, accessible to all comrades in the organization.

The CPN decides to convene a national conference of committees.

Given the preparations for our national congress and the RNOs, this CNC will be held no later than the end of april 2025.


1 This request, initially presented last May, was rejected by the CPN, on the pretext of a busy militant agenda (European and legislative elections). However, as was the case for the National Youth Conference, it was materially possible to “fit” this national committee conference into our militant agenda.