D. (Montreuil), E. (Ivry), F. (Auch), G. (Bordeaux-Nord), H. (Paris 8), H. (Tarbes) , I. (Pessac), L. (Bordeaux rive droite), L. (Jeunes 92), M. (Montreuil), M. (Paris 8), S. (Montreuil), Y. (Evry)
Votes (CPN) : 6 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstention, 40 NPPV (do not vote)
Within the framework of this first congress of the NPA Révolutionnaires, we affirm the need for a party that puts the working class at the center, that proposes to represent its interests and that is a tool for workers to organize for their demands and against all forms of exploitation and oppression. We want a party for revolution, an instrument for the emancipation of workers by the workers themselves.
Moving towards a party implies giving ourselves the means to work towards the necessary rallying of revolutionaries in the face of the challenges of the present period, the attacks on the rights and living conditions of our social camp, the rise of reactionary ideas, militarization and the threat of the globalization of war. The mobilization and organization of the waged workers, the unity needed to prepare for the coming confrontation with the ruling classes and their State, and the prospect of overthrowing the capitalist system to put an end to exploitation and the destruction of the planet, require democratic relations so that workers, women and young people can take their affairs into their own hands, breaking away from the institutional apparatuses.
Building a pole of revolutionaries implies being able to bring together within the same organizational framework currents with different histories, traditions and habits, while respecting differences and their free expression, including outside this pole.
For all of us, this is one of the decisive tasks of our time.
Being able to move toward this direction, being able to address other revolutionary organizations, starts by setting an example within our own organization. The split/exclusion of the NPA confronted us with difficult and urgent constraints and tasks, which we have not all appreciated in the same way.
This congress turns a page.
Respect for democratic values within our organization is central to the political experience we’ve had together since the NPA was founded in 2009. In line with our statutes, we believe that “Democracy is a requirement and an asset for our party. Democracy is at the heart of our project. It implies transparency, the circulation of information, the systematic leveling of the elements of a debate, the knowledge of the plurality of choices, it recognizes the possibility of organizing to change the orientation of the party, i.e. the right of tendency and the right of fraction.
– Our aim is to enable every militant to find his or her place and exercise full sovereignty within the party. Debates within the party must be simple, accessible but not simplistic: a party for workers, for all workers, for women workers, whether manual or intellectual. »
The internal democracy of our organization brings efficiency and strength to our construction, which keeps the pole of revolutionaries alive within our organization, and enables us to keep it alive everywhere with other comrades on the far left and beyond.
Irrespective of the evolution of the different currents that have come together to lead the NPA-R battle, and of the divergences that remain, the congress reaffirms the right of tendencies, the right and respect for the minorities, sensibilities and political traditions that make up our party, their representation in the relevant bodies, and the possibility of expression for all as a method of bringing to life a democratic dynamic, that of workers in their own organization, that of struggles and mobilizations [sic]. Over and above formal rights, this is the very condition for effectiveness in taking an essential step towards building a pole of revolutionaries and a revolutionary workers’ party.
The signatories invite comrades interested in discussing the motion to a national Zoom meeting. The meeting will take place on Sunday December 15, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. To receive the invitation link to the meeting :
marino.paris75@gmail.com or lpero33@gmail.com or soy.danilopez@gmail.com