Nos vies valent plus que leurs profits

In less than two months, the congress of our party

(Cette page en français)



This Congress will be held on Friday January 31, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2 February 2025. It will bring together the delegates, activists and militants following assemblies of debate and elected officials in elective assemblies of cities or regions. He will also bring together guests from other currents and activists with whom we seize the opportunities to discuss and act. Here in France as internationally. We therefore begin, to several hundred men and women that brings together our party, half of which belonging to our NPA young-revolutionaries, a discussion that we hope for alive and fruitful, on many subjects that impact us. On the international situation, more and more conflictual and warlike under the push of dominant and emerging imperialisms who share themselves to put the planet on fire and blood, but where workers and more broadly the oppressed rebiff, revolt, find Or find the path of mass mobilizations and strikes. On the situation in France, where parliamentary and government adventures in which all the institutional parties are invested, of which on the left, fortunately do not prevent workers (licensees, poorly paid, poorly housed, poorly transported ) to seek the ways of the class struggle. And there is resource, as shown by the latest mobilization of December 5 in the public service. Yes, we need a world without borders and without patterns! Yes, we advocate the urgency of the Revolution! And yes, for that, we must democratically discuss our organization, its priorities for implementation and intervention, its assessment and its prospects: for bread and therefore salary, certainly, but also for Palestine! The proletarian revolutionary struggle cannot be divided.

Our congresses discussions, on political orientations as on our forms of organization and intervention, are based on platforms, three in number, which we publish here with the first stands they wrote for the newspaper.

The national political council, the management of our organization, recorded the platforms on November 24, 87% of its members adopted the platform 1, 9% the platform 2 and 2% the platform 3.





Texts of platforms





Two motions